To enhance my yoga practice, meditation and every day life I use lovely essential oils. There are so many different scents to boost our mood, provide calming, help us heal, soothe inflammation, promote healthy immune system and digestion, help us have a restful sleep and just let us feel better in so many ways. 

Learn more - Welcome to join a Free oil class. Watch the live Online Free Oil class from February 2020 here and the class from november 2020 here.

How to use oils

I use oils from Doterra as I find them to be the purest ones on the market, only with organic ingredients, no preservatives and carefully produced to give us high quality oils. I also support the way Doterra works with helping in society. Doterra has a project called Healing Hands which brings healing and hope to the world by providing global communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant.

There are so many lovely ways to use the oils and there is a oil for every mood! Below I give you some of my sweetest advice, enjoy!

Inhale it - Before I begin my practice I always take a drop of oil in the palm of my hand, rub my hands gently and then take three deep breaths to inhale the healing scent of the oil. Then I just sit for a while feeling with my eyes closed and let the scent of the oil fill my body and soul with its nourishing ingredients.

In class, use it - When I teach I often begin the class walking around the room dripping a drop of the precious oil in the palms of the hand of the pupil, its a lovely way to come closer and connect before the class begins. Then we rub hands and inhale together, this is very powerful and gives a lovely community feeling. Try it!

Massage it - I love to massage a drop of the oil under my feet, on my temples, neck, or wherever I feel a need. I also put a few drops in a carrier oil and use when I give massage. Lavender oil before bedtime on my kids is a lovely and soothing routine and helps them have a restful sleep.

Refresh with it - A drop of Peppermint oil on your finger and press gently up in to the upper palate in your mouth gives you a new fresh breath and feeling!

Diffuse it - A few drops of oil in a diffuser gives every room a spa feeling. The oil Air for example is perfect to refresh the room and help to breath better and keep colds away!

Shower with it - Drip a few drops on the corner of the floor of your shower (mind you step as it can get slippery), let the warm water steam the scent of the oil - voilà your own Spa!

Eat it - Lemon oil in a glass of water refreshes! You can even use the oils when preparing your food.

Clean with it - A few drops in the final touch of cleaning your floors or on the kitchen countertop leaves a lovely scent and spa feeling to your home!

How to begin and how to buy the oils

I recommend you to begin with buying three different oils and learn to know them well and how to use them. My personal favorites are Lavender, Peppermint and Lemon.

There are two different ways you can purchase the lovely oils from Doterra.

One way is to come and buy your favorite oils at any of my yogastudios (Grevturegatan 18, Stockholm or Kyrkvägen 4, Lidingö).

The other way, which I really recommend, is to open a Doterra account of your own. There are two different types of accounts you can get. One is called Wholesale Customer and gives you a good discount and some other benefits, this is a great way if you just wish to bye some oils now and then for personal use. The other account is called Wellness Advocate which gives you further discount and ability to earn compensation and bonuses, this is the best way if you wish to purchase oils more frequently, work with the oils and maybe sell them.

Either way you need my ID number which is: 5724544 when you enroll, please follow this link , you need to choose country, what type of account you want to open, fill in personal information and then fill in my ID number as both Enroller ID and Sponsor ID. Please email me at if you need guidance or have further questions, I would be delighted to help you!

Good luck and welcome to the lovely world of oils!