Healing yoga

Healing yoga is a type of yoga with a therapeutic focus on recovery from stress, PTSD, trauma and burnout developed by Jennie Liljefors. She has based the form on her own experience of healing from a sexual trauma in young years.

If we feel tired, stressed, depressed or suffering from PTSD, infertility, PMS, menopause or other physical or mental illness, this form of yoga is a great tool for recovery and healing. To heal a trauma with the help of yoga is very powerful, it's a heroic journey where you can do a great deal of work on your own, but it requires patience. With yoga we work with the negative effects we suffer from, such as poor breathing, tense muscles and trouble focusing, we don’t actually work on the trauma itself, witch can be a great relief. By practicing yoga in a safe environment we can be reconciled with ourselves. By letting the yoga become a new habit, we strengthen the inner self and become both more at ease and more effective.

The Book

Healing yoga - The Healing Power

Jennie has written a highly appreciated book called "Healing Yoga - The Healing Power", available in both Swedish and English, based on her solid yoga study.

the workbook

Healing you - a journal for reflection

This book is an interactive journal, to use together with the textbook Healing yoga or on its own. The journal has inspirational illustrations and transformative writing exercises designed to help you tap into your unique energy, personal strength and inner peace.

At times, we all experience negative thoughts, challenging situations and difficult patterns, which can leave traces on our physical and emotional health. An important step to healing is writing things down and sharing our story. As we write, it becomes easier to hear and feel the spirit within us, to recharge our battery and shine form the inside out.

As you work though this journal, you’ll get tips on setting intentions, using crystals and essential oils, practicing breath work, meditation, mindfulness and yoga, using mantras to inspire strength, forgiveness and good health.

The more you work to find inner peace, the more you will discover how things fall into place. Write down your truth and magic will unfold.

Training and mentoring

Jennie holds training and tailored mentorships in Healing yoga as well as weekly courses for groups and individuals.

the course

The classes in the course are based on the content of the book Healing yoga, which is also included as study material. A calmer yoga focusing on increasing the parasympathetic nervous system, our rest and digest system. The focus area is the lower part of the body and therefore fits well when you want to handle emotional stress that causes rigid hips and legs, ache in the lower back and problem with the stomach and reproductive organs. The structure of Healing yoga comes from Anusarayoga, where you work with biomechanical principles for a healthier alignement. We also practice to be totally relaxed and rest in different positions, which gives a different recovery than when you are asleep.

If you practice Healing Yoga continuously for at least eight weeks, it may help you to break a bad habit, get more energy and also build a desire to work with your healing. You will sleep better, increase your appetite, improve your concentration, increase your self-esteem and feel less fear.

Book your course here. If you wish to book Jennie private or to your studio/company send an email to jennie@altromondoyoga.com